Engineers strive for "better," while lawyers prepare for the worst.
It's time engineers and lawyers started communicating better, esp with each other! Chinese leaders are all engineers, while American leaders are usually lawyers. This article provides an interesting perspective on why the US and China seem to have such trouble communicating with each other. The "busing" (another terrible example of a noun becoming a verb) of protesters is a great example alternative approaches to the same problem.
Given the qualifications of the top leaders, can we also draw conclusions on the route to the top? Here are a few conjectures - (a) American President-wannabes have to talk their way to the top, while the Chinese have to make their moves more systematically! (b) Americans want their leaders to be combative, while the Chinese want their leaders to be quiet, behind-the-scenes professionals! (c) American democracy requires people who can constantly defend their actions, while Chinese communism requires leaders who let their actions spk for themselves!
Here is a paradox though - more people around the world are willing to trust an American Senator than they trust the average Chinese leader!
Given the qualifications of the top leaders, can we also draw conclusions on the route to the top? Here are a few conjectures - (a) American President-wannabes have to talk their way to the top, while the Chinese have to make their moves more systematically! (b) Americans want their leaders to be combative, while the Chinese want their leaders to be quiet, behind-the-scenes professionals! (c) American democracy requires people who can constantly defend their actions, while Chinese communism requires leaders who let their actions spk for themselves!
Here is a paradox though - more people around the world are willing to trust an American Senator than they trust the average Chinese leader!
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