Tuesday, March 07, 2006

what would you do if you had $200 mln to spare?

well, here is an idea - build the largest aquarium on the planet. that idea is already taken - and implemented - by the co-founder of Home Depot. the Georgia Aquarium opened late last year and is a gift of Bernie Marcus. now, THAT is a unique gift! what came to Bernie first - the idea or the money?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a frequent visitor to the Aquarium the two words that sum up the experience for me are: Crowded and HUGE. I have only anecdotal information but from what i hear the religious leanings (fear of hell thirst for heaven) of BM prompted the "gift". I have interviewed at Home Depot and was amazed at their rabbidly "patroiotic" ramblings infused with "god, country and apple pie" messages.

Oh and there is very little overtly "educational" about the aquarium, and while I feel education isnt something anyone can give you but rather something you have to take the aquarium doesnt make the taking very simple.


11:19 AM  
Blogger bklash said...

crowded and huge almost sounds oxymoronic! anyway, i do not know much abt BM or Home Depot. my point is that among the many things that this person could have done with his pocket money (such as fund religious mercenaries to propagate his religion), he chose a unique project. and oh, education is not something anyone can give someone whose mind is closed....

9:04 PM  

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