Saturday, March 11, 2006

blogspot, blogpsot, bible studies and the internet

click on this link . now click on this one

The only difference in the URLs is the interchanging of S and P in blogspot. Interestingly, will give you the same result. Now, is this guerilla marketing, missionary zeal or just plain subterfuge? A little bit of each. But I do not blame the site hosts entirely because they are doing nothing illegal. Nor do they claim to do one thing while doing another. All they are doing is hoping for a spelling mistake from those typing in URL ids. And then, since P occurs before S in the English alphabet, blogpsot is always ahead of blogspot! Voila!

The power of the internet is immense, especially against those who are not careful....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have done some research that some may find interesting. While studying the Biblical genealogies, I compiled a huge amount of information pertaining to each Biblical character, their short biographies, dates, contemporaries, maps and history. If you are interested in adding to your personal Bible Study Tool, you can find this information at .

4:28 PM  

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