Sunday, February 05, 2006

a defining moment in the "clash of civilisations"?

surprisingly, US media does not provide too much coverage of an important event, a possible "turning point" in relationship between religions. i do not fully agree with the "freedom of speech" advocates - in my view, freedom of speech is not unlimited and those cartoons are not acceptable. obviously, the violent response and, indeed, the threats of violence are incorrect. but this should not take away from the unacceptability of the cartoons themselves. so what if the pot is calling the kettle black (such inflammatory cartoons are routinely published in middle-eastern newspapeonrs too)? black is black.

ps: anyone notice how freedom of speech is made out to be the core issue because the "offenders" are West European. if an Indian newspaper had published these cartoons, the very same newspapers would have written reams of advice on how Indians are a bunch of primitives unable to maintain the peace!

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