Monday, December 26, 2005

Top ten tech trends for 2006

This is an interesting list, esp if you are a non-techie like me. I am little sceptical abt the cellphone doing everything part, because those who use cellphones for email (the blackberry owners) do not use it for photography or web access. In any case, battery power is still limited.

I am similarly sceptical abt docs being on the web. MS Office applications on the PC are simply the easiest office tools to use, whatever the techies might say abt the technology and in spite of all those crashes.

Finally, clean technologies is a cute idea, but not really profitable. It is very altruistic to buy a clean technology car for example, but not very easy to use it everyday.

The other ones on the list are already happening and in 2006, we should witness an explosion in some of them - internet phones for example.


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