exporting america
Is he a rabble-rouser or is he genuinely concerned abt jobs in America? Easy to dislike but hard ignore, he is the most popular face attached to an important section of public opinion. I disagree with his macro-economic views, but can see why he is popular with middle-class America.
One more point - Lou is a great example of how FORM is important to communicate SUBSTANCE. Many intelligent people fail to argue with the conviction of a Lou, making the "average" viewer think that Lou's ideas are better.
Finally, note the subtle way in which the site equates creating overseas jobs with violating workers' rights.
One more point - Lou is a great example of how FORM is important to communicate SUBSTANCE. Many intelligent people fail to argue with the conviction of a Lou, making the "average" viewer think that Lou's ideas are better.
Finally, note the subtle way in which the site equates creating overseas jobs with violating workers' rights.
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