Sunday, October 30, 2005

more on languages

also refer to my earlier post on Pidgin - the influence of English language and Western culture is often positive. for example, more employment opportunities. however, it often "corrupts" local languages, art and popular culture. why take the trouble to learn (or to teach your kid) a new language when you can get by well with the native tongue and English? answer - because it exposes one to a wider cultural experience and broadens one's horizons. well, not really compelling reasons for a 15 year old to attempt learning a new language.

Read on...

an ethical dilemma

Before you read this one, read the comment by the Great Lefty in response to my post on the commies. GL had suggested targetted assassinations as an alternative to wars for two very simple reasons - to save money and to save lives. Here is another time-tested alternative to war - exile! Of course, it is abhorrent to let a monster get away, but is bringing him to justice worth thousands and thousands of lives apart from all the economic, social and other damage? For example, was the Afghan war really necessary if getting Taliban out was possible another way? Would make for a great ethics case in business school, but this deserves more serious treatment than a bunch of kids earning class participation points!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

what have you done for me lately?

No permanent friends, only permanent interests - does that hold for internal policy as well? Here is an article on the hypocrisy of the earthquake affected.


Read recently abt this creature in a novel; thought of checking it out. Enjoy these pics! If you have time, do some research on these amazing creatures.

Spare an animal; eat a vegetable

Listing of vegetarian restaurants around the world. You would be surprised by "finds" in different cities!